Well path design (for directional and horizontal wellbores and sidetracks), calculation and analysis of stresses and torques during drill string movement and rotation, calculation of the weight on bit (WOB) and hook loads, calculation of hydraulic pressure losses in the mud circulation system in accordance with the Customer's data using the Bursoftproekt software.
VNIIGIS-ZTK provides support services for drilling of sidetracks, directional and horizontal wells:
- MWD, information and technology support for drilling of horizontal wells in thin beds using near-bit modules and motors with an embedded measuring module (NBM+Motors Presentation);
- LWD service using neutron-neutron logging, resistivity logging and gamma-ray logging modules (Geosteering Presentation);
- Support for underbalanced well drilling with a casing pressure module;
- MWD service in bitumen wells;
- MWD support in simple wells of all diameters;
- Bit service and DDM service
- Whipstock orientation using own MWD systems, including for inclination angles of up to 90 degrees.
VNIIGIST-ZTK also supplies MWD systems with electromagnetic and combined communication links and offers maintenance, repairs, calibration, and personnel training services.
The Company has experienced process engineers and specialists in sidetracking, directional and horizontal drilling. The support services provided by our Company include:

Wellbore Path Control While Drilling

Providing the customer with real-time operational and geophysical parameters and directional survey data while drilling

The developed modular MWD-based logging while drilling systems ZTK-42EM and ZTK-42KK allow for not only well drilling within the designed wellbore path, but also adjusting the wellbore for its optimal placement in the most productive part of the bed. Logging data visualization systems and monitoring services help to promptly respond to and control the drilling process.